The fruits are dark blue with a tinge of brown, round in shape, with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.6 cm, and they grow in small bushes, leafy and rich in branches ...
They say about strawberry to be the most appetizing foods, due to their appearance that tends towards perfection...
Ionel Burtea was awarded at the BUSINESS Magazin Awards Gala for YOUNG TOP MANAGERS - "AI Manager: The young manager face to face with artificial intelligence".
Ionel Burtea participated as a speaker at the " Agriculture of the Future" Event, organized by Wall-street.ro on May 18, at the Sheraton Bucharest Hotel.
Ionel Burtea participated as a speaker at the ”Entrepreneurs of the Future” Event, organized by BIZ Magazine on May 8, at the Hilton Garden Inn Bucharest Hotel.
Ionel Burtea participated as a speaker at the NEW AGRO Conference organized by BIZ Magazine, on March 28, at the Grand Hotel in Bucharest.
Ionel Burtea attended the 20 years’ CARIERE Gala Awards on December 13, together with more than 250 participants from various industries and businesses ...
Ionel Burtea attended the #SeFaceLaStup event organized by SmartBill together with Banca Transilvania, an event dedicated to the Romanian entrepreneurs ...
Rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, the peels of the citrus fruits that we eat apparently contain even more vitamin C than the pulp ...
One of the unwritten rules of skin care says that we should use facial masks 2-3 times a week, and if you make them yourself, even better.
We know too well the fact that fruits are indispensable for a healthy life, but they can also make the “capillary ornament” fully deserve its title.
“By combining one taste with another, something new is created”, stated the mouse Remy from Ratatouille, the famous animated film that pays ...
Există voci care susțin că fructele îngrașă, dar dacă sunt consumate corect, acestea pot face exact contrariul. Da, poți slăbi delectându-te cu …
Fructele dau un gust aparte oricărui preparat culinar, iar băuturile nu fac excepție. Pentru a sărbători cum se cuvine venirea Noului An, …