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The mango fruit can prevent obesity

Fruits – sweet ones in particular – are often blamed for extra pounds. The reality, however, is that they can prevent the accumulation of fat, as is the case with mangoes.


It is sweet and aromatic, it has a velvety texture, and its delicate taste emerges gradually. Additionally, it is so versatile that it can turn any dish into a delicacy, whether we are talking about starters, main courses, or dessert.

Basically, it is a fruit that should be found on the list of basic supplies (especially because it can be eaten at different stages of ripening, depending on preferences and the type of preparation).

Hydrate 2-3 tablespoons of muesli, add coconut milk or yogurt and mango pieces, and enjoy an energizing and delicious breakfast.

Adaugă felii fine de mango crocant într-o salată de rucola sau baby spanac, nuci și gorgonzola, pentru un prânz copios.

Add thin slices of crunchy mango to a salad of arugula or baby spinach, walnuts, and gorgonzola for a hearty lunch. Make a mango chutney on the spot by simmering the pulp of a ripe mango with a little vinegar and hot spices to dress up your steak or sandwich.

No extra pounds: diet can actually taste good!

A normal-sized mango (about 80 g) has only 48 kilocalories and 11 grams of carbohydrates, but it is a fruit high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants such as vitamin C (29 mg), beta-carotene, gallotannins, and mangiferin.

The latter has been the subject of multiple studies that have concluded that its anti-inflammatory effect can be of real benefit to the prevention of heart disease, and the high bioavailability of this polyphenol can have important antioxidant effects. Clinical studies conducted in recent years have demonstrated the effectiveness of mangiferin in improving the quality of life for patients with diabetes, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, or even cancer. Other positive effects have been observed in terms of skin aging due to the powerful antioxidant effect of this compound found in mango.

However, recently published studies reinforce the position of the mango fruit on the list of foods that fight obesity. A study, published in the Medical Journal in April 2022, concludes, “Fresh mango consumption promotes greater satiety and improves postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy overweight and obese adults,” meaning that mango fruit reduced the feeling of hunger and thirst, while also preventing the anticipated consumption of food, as it immediately established the feeling of satiety.

If the mango fruit can be easily consumed in its natural state, dehydrated, or added to salads, sauces, or desserts, for an additional supply of nutrients, you can use complementary preparations, such as the powder extracted from the mango peel – antioxidants such as caffeic acid, gallic acid, acid chlorogenic acid, the kaempferol, and vitamin C found in it “may lower cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, and creatinine”, while helping to “manage dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in people with weight disorders and obesity,” according to a study published by Biomedical Research International.

Mango peels (freshly peeled or dehydrated) can also be used at home to prepare infusions in boiled water, beneficial in weight loss diets, and having a positive effect on the skin and hair.


Here you can find a rapid way to peel off the mango fruit.

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